Thursday, November4' 2010_14.40 PM
Oat is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed, which is known by the same name (usually in the plural, unlike other grains). While oats are suitable for human consumption as oatmeal and rolled oats. Oats are grown throughout the temperate zones. They have a lower summer heat requirement and greater tolerance of rain than other cereals like wheat, rye, or barley, so are particularly important in areas with cool, wet summers such as Northwest Europe, even being grown successfully in Iceland. Oats are an annual plant, and can be planted either in autumn (for late summer harvest) or in the spring (for early autumn harvest). Oats have numerous uses in food; most commonly, they are rolled or crushed into oatmeal, or ground into fine oat flour. Oatmeal is chiefly eaten as porridge, but may also be used in a variety of baked goods, such as oatcakes, oatmeal cookies, and oat bread.
I usually have breakfast [oatmeal] in the morning before bounce to campus.
Here are some pictures below. Steps of making milky hot oat.
I usually have breakfast [oatmeal] in the morning before bounce to campus.
Here are some pictures below. Steps of making milky hot oat.

Take some oatmeal [I usually take about 3-4 full spoons] and 1 spoon of white milk powder [without sugar added].

Mix them both..

Looks so yummy, isn't it?!

Pour some boiled water onto the mixed oat.

Still it well.. :D

Wait for few minutes until it well-done. You can combine with hot tea. The taste is super delicious [such perfect combination]. Hmmm, can't wait too long, mates..

Open the cap and voila!! Yummy milky oatmeal is ready to be devoured..!! :)

Step 8:
My first spoon of milky oatmeal.. nyam, nyammm..
[Don't forget to devour while it's still hot].

Wew, fantastic!! Do you want some? [make your self!!] Hahahaa.. :D

Hoo.. my last spoon of milky oatmeal!!
BalasHapusStep 5:
Stir it well..