Friday, April29' 2011_1.32AM
Do you know, what happened around 10PM on September1’ 2010 at my boarding house? (I bet you don’t!!).
There was an incoming message to my old-fashioned cell phone and contained, “ai, are you at your boarding house?”
I replied, “yes, why?”
he replied again, “could you out for awhile?”
I was shocked, out where to, anyway? I didn’t catch what his purpose, so I simply texted, “where to?”
another replied, “out from your room, I’m already in front of your boarding house.”
Woow, it’s magic!! How come not?! It was 10 o’clock in the evening.. :scratching head:
My appearance was so damn completely a mess, I was wearing short, over-sized t-shirt, and hair tied.. :the good news was I had bathed:
I caught someone-who-I-thought-I-knew..
He came by motorcycle to Depok from somewhere in South Jakarta. The very first thing which shifted over my eyes was a woman who sitting behind him on his motor cycle, his sister. I knew her and she just smiled away and then the man spoke up (break the silence) without letting off his helmet which sticking around his head, said the forewords, “Hi ai..” bla, bla,bla.. (Jeez, I forgot what the next words following?? I guess they were like common greetings, could be-->(how’s you doing?, sorry for disturbing, what are you doing?) I couldn’t recall.. :poor memory:-->(by the way, were they greetings??
After had said his sacred words, the man asked the woman who was sitting behind him to hand over the bag to the owner.. (I was motionless, stunned watching his action yet the truth was I didn’t know what to do and what to say), hahaha.. actually I was between confused and nervous, very much.. (Gosh, bay!! You’re acting like a teenager somehow!!).
The man groped something inside his backpack, something-quite-big..
Bingo!! My hunch was right! It’s quite big and covered by black plastic. I didn’t have any idea what was laid inside the plastic.
The man just simply said, “I want you to have this..”
Well, with the feeling of doubt I accepted that quite big gift... (maybe it was a bomb!) :strange thoughts:
And then, he and his sister gone with wind..
I got back to my room, I found 5 gifts and a letter.
A letter was told me about his feeling after we had over, I was touched.. If you hurt by these stuffs, let me tell you.. I do feel the same way with you. Don’t you ever think that you’re the only one is hurt.. Hard to recover? Yes, Indeed for me..
Up till now, I’m still wondering what the gifts mean about? Okay, I ever asked you to tell me but I canceled it without any apparent reason. If only I had a chance to know them, the eagerness would release..

The Green Bean Drink
I like it since I was very young several years ago and my Mom always cooks me on every sunday..
And I know you like it very much as well.
So, what's the meaning?

The Toblerone Chocolate Bar
Every body likes chocolate and including me.
And then what?
A Teenlit Love Novel
Okay, this part I completely don't have any Idea..
But the quote is cool "Cinta itu seperti perang. Gampang dimulai, susah mengakhirinya.." I agree with this!
But what??
A Teddy Bear Doll
Well, I have never received any doll from anyone except my Mom and the last time she gave me when I was 3rd year of Elementary school. So, you're the first man of the 'anyone.'
What is it refer to?

A Bottle of Axe Green Twist for Men
Hmmm,, I know exactly why you gave this kind of men perfume spray.
Because I don't like using women perfume.
Let me assure myself, it isn't because my body smell's bad, is it?
Do you agree with me?
For everything you have done to me.. I really appreciate it.
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