Monday, Oct25' 2010 _ 5.43 PM
Written by Desby Mian Berlianty Pasaribu
Here are some chats between two girls via facebook in the rainy and gloomy afternoon. Girl #1 felt so lonesome and turned on her notebook, and voila plugged the modem.. She typed “facebook.com” on google blank column.
Girl #2 just updated her status and the chit-chat went easily such the heat warms the ice.
Girl #2 status: “Go Ahead. Coz I don't Care.”
[Girl #1 didn’t know what has just crossed her mind, suddenly She really wanted to tell a story to someone and then She saw Girl #2’s status].
Girl #1 : I'm distracted like a bee in bonnet.. :(
I'm totally distressed when he said, "Dreams are over, give a faith that there are still another dreams."
Girl #2, help me from heart destruction.. T____T
(30 minutes ago).
Girl #2 : Just pull yourself together and be STRONG!! Dun GIVE UP!!!
(26 minutes ago).
Girl #1 : Boneless tongue.. (25 minutes ago).
Girl #2 : Who is He btw?? ur dad or that guy? (25 minutes ago).
Girl #1 : The second one (25 minutes ago).
Girl #2 : Why he said such thing? (22 minutes ago)
Girl #1 : It's him. you know.. the guy that I ever told you before..
[not in the class of social at high school 6.. no, the previous one]. You, know I damn crush on him but now, he's already crushed on another one and replaced me..
(20 minutes ago).
Girl #2 : WTF!!?? He said those things to u?? soo MEAN!! T.T (18 minutes ago).
Girl #1 : Not directly, but I just saw his status..
I mean, it's been a year [or maybe more] since we broke up. I really dislike this situation.. Eeerrgh, and tomorrow i'm still having test!! I hate being tested but i have to.. (15 minutes).
Girl #2 : Do u still love him?? (14 minutes ago).
Girl #1 : I do. Indeed. Fool, right?! (13 minutes ago).
Girl #2 : Sigh. What can I do then? He's irreplaceable for u now. Indeed..
Try to heal yourself slowly fella..slowly..try to let go slowly..u can do it!! (6 minutes).
Girl #1 : There's a huge different between asked and given.
He's the one I asked. Thanks anyway... I'll go back to study. (4 minutes ago).
Girl #2 : Go, go, Fighting my fella!! Happy Studying!! (^_^) (2 minutes ago).
Girl #1 : I asked him in Christmas eve at church, then God gave him. Marvelous! :D
(2 minutes ago).
Girl #2 : Wow~~ I didn't know about that..hehee~ yepp Marvelous!!
Take a good care of yourself k? Promise?? I dun wanna see my best friends to get hurt..so if anything happens, tell me k. I'm here for you.. (^_^) coz We're Best Friends..
(1 minutes ago).
Yeah, She knew [since the first] it won’t bring any solution at all but She felt so much released. She just needed a friend to listen to her burden heart at that time and she [Girl #2] would. Thanks anyway to spend a slightly time of yours.
buseng blog lu narsis bet,, pertama buka udah disuguhi poto segede gaban,, bikin merinding
Hehehe... sekali2 boleh lah jri.. :D
BalasHapusMerinding?? Lo diruangan full ac gelap2an ya? LOL