Thursday, October21’ 2010_3.28PM
Written by Desby Mian Berlianty Pasaribu
My objective on writing this story not because it’s October and a month ahead is already December. No, not at all.. I just arrived from bank [after had a huge catastrophe –midterm test-] and had lunch with my beloved sister, Caecilia. Suddenly, something is leading me to turn on my notebook and typing as well. The story about Santa comes immediately, haha.. Maybe because I’m completely alone in my dorm room and confused what should I do then.
Well, Is there anyone that can give me notice who doesn't know Santa Clause? I bet you can't!!
Everybody knows that man.. A big fat man who is always been wearing red wool suits [look more like winter coat] from head to toe with a pair of pitch black boots, his head is all over covered by gray hair, long bearded with the same tone and red nosed. As most people have known that Mr. Santa lives [somewhere] in north pole with thousands of gnomes as his worker to produce various sorts and kinds of toys to millions of children who have been acted and behaved good during a year [some kind of reward].
The man comes to each house by riding a flying sled which is pulled by seven magical reindeers to the whole world at Christmas Eve to give the presents and yelled out “Hoo.. Hoo.. Hooooo..” with shaking bells. When all children fall asleep, he sneaked in from the house chimney [Can you imagine how did he get into the chimney if you compare to his body size?? –hard to believe it though-] and put the Christmas presents under the Christmas tree in order to ease them to find theirs when tomorrow comes, the Christmas day. Wew, it must be a very damn busy night for an old man like him [I don’t know exactly his age, maybe much much older than a grandfather who’s living next to my dwelling and the very odd fact of Mr. Santa is he never dead.. Uuuh, long live huh?!]. Is he a human or what anyway? Have you ever wondered what kind of food he has eaten because he still looks very strong?? How many children he has? What’s his wife name? [haha.. Mrs. Santa –cool-] And what is he doing during January to December 23rd?? Where does he get money to produce the toys and to pay the gnomes? Is there a hospital in north pole? I mean how Mr. Santa recovered from his illness anyway? Is Mr. Santa’s dwelling detected by satellite and why does his dwelling still become a huge mystery ever in history? How does he know to distinguish the good or bad children from any part of the earth? How? How? and How? and about the magical reindeers.. [Oh, don’t wanna cogitate upon them –I’m going to be so insane of these stuffs-] Hahaha.. Those are my silly thoughts!! You and I know that, *Yes, let say -He’s just a folktale, a legend, nonsense, never really exist-
But, you may have not known what I believe in… I used to forsooth believe in his existence. Indeed. I mean, how could you differ what’s real and fiction when you were a lil’ kid while all media were showing a merciful, gracious-faced, and good-hearted man in completely all red allotting presents to children? All media were started to expose his images in early December such as movies, advertisements, street banners, video carols, Christmas ornaments, stores and even churches!! All, all, all, no exception.. -Jeez, please!!- They call those as spirit of Christmas. Huahaha, for me it such a funny statement!! Well, it’s okay anyway.. I’m not gonna blame them but, heeeyyy… I’m living in a tropical country which there will be no snow in Christmas or December [what's the correlation huh?].
Hmmm, in my opinion the biggest core which affect me most in believing that ‘Man’ was movies.. -_-“
Of course, definitely!! You know, when December comes all the television channels are ready broadcasting Christmas movies [I named them –fooling kid movies-] because they’re fooling me with an imaginary figure [a pure-minded girl has officially infected!!] It’s like a bee in a bonnet because I started to make a wish on Santa [not to God.. hooo.. really go insane!!!]. Until, I did something –very stupid- It was when I watched ‘a fooling kid movie’ and there was a scene where a lil’ boy about 9 years old wrote a letter to Mr. Santa asked to send him a toy. After that the boy poured some pen-ink on the envelope to write an address
“To: Mr. Santa Clause, North Pole 19420.”
Believe me or not, I imitated what just he did!! I took a piece of plain white paper [just after the movie had over] and began to write in English [totally such a mess because the sentences had no correct structure as English standard sentence required.. Yeah, Be understanding the situation of 10 years old girl..!! It was when I was at 5th year in elementary school]. After I had finished writing a damn asinine letter and put it in the white envelope, I begged Mommy to mail it to North Pole as has written on it [I insisted her, maybe because she looked at me enigmatically –at the time, I didn’t know what it mean was-]. All I desired was having it mailed and I shall get a new roller blade [that was what I asked to Mr. Santa]. On the day after, Mommy gave a receipt as a proof that she has sent it to north pole [and then Momma told me that the clerk was laughing at her when he read my ugly hand written on the envelope “North Pole” –Sorry, Momma.. I care zero about that-].
Waited, waited, and waited… Santa was never showed up his face to give my present until Christmas over.. I was totally sad, very sad.. He disappointed me!!! But [perhaps] I thought I wasn’t been good enough to have such present from Santa.. [fool young-girl]. I never have my new roller blade.. never!! And I started to forget my gloom, It’s already [another] a new year and when December comes again, [believe me or not –again-]. I made the same letter to Mr. Santa [still with the same address..], that year I asked for a skate board [a skate board for girl?? I was really very out of mind!!!] and had my Momma mailed it –just like what I did last year- [for the second time, Momma gave me a mail receipt and told the same story about "the laughing damn clerk" –when I read how much it cost, was IDR 27.500 –Eeerrggh.. so expensive!!!- It was in 2000 [Gosh!! They’re sucking my Momma’s bucks!!]. Because Momma mailed it via express and the postman –the clerk- said it will be arrived in three days].
At first, I felt like it was such a fresh air that struck my face –sign of good hope!!- Again and again!!! I waited, waited, and waited until Christmas over and December also ended!! “Huuuhh, what’s wrong with me?? I thought I have been good enough during this year!!” [It crossed my mind again]. Momma knew what her daughter despondent of, so she started to advise me on my 3rd attempt in the next year [wow, still in spirit of Christmas huh? Or spirit of Santa’s present?!! –probably the second one-]. Since she advised me that Santa was only folklore, an imaginary European figure on behalf of persuading children to have good manner, I turned not to believe in him anymore!!! Never!!
But it’s such a good memorable story for me then.
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