Written by Desby Mian Berlianty Pasaribu
Sunday, January2’ 2011_9.42 PM
You have your own faith, I have mine too…
You believe in God with your own concept, I believe in mine too…
You do what your religion commands on you, I do mine too…
We maybe have different ways to worship our God…
Something or someone that we truly believe lord-over our life, powerful, undefeated, immutable, almighty, and so on…
Yet, you and I must have no reason to deny that God is good!!
I have a friend on facebook, actually he’s a friend of mine also in real life.
I know him not very well, just know as ordinary one.
He’s really talented in music and music instruments, he can play piano, organ, guitar, trombone, saxophone.. damn really cool!! He can also read musical notes very well.
Well, by the way this is story about his statuses on facebook.
You might think, “Why take it so seriously? Are there anything special with his statuses anyway? Oh, come on, you’re ridiculous!! Why have to waste time just analyzing one’s statuses on facebook? What for?”
If there’s nothing special with his statuses then I would take zero attention of them.. Indeed!!
Well, this is obviously accidental.. I mean his statuses quite often appear on my facebook home (he’s a lil’ bit up-date’s addict!!) and I don’t mind of that.
At every status always ended by “GIGATT = GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.”
There something behind those words... something that makes me stronger.
At first, I felt so empty and like there’s a hole in my heart which is taken out my soul..
I didn’t understand, why did I feel such way?!
Lost hopes, lost words, lost prayers, lost ways, lost faith..
Everytime, I see his status.. I feel stronger and then I smile away..
He might not realize that his statuses have encouraged me.
For this long time, I’ve so lost.. and I remorseful of that.
I hesitated of God and that was my biggest mistake!!!
I shouldn’t have done that way.. :(
I am really sorry, my dearest God!!
Thank you, my friend.. you have taken me back on track again.
Probably, it’s the God’s way to recall to life and his way is unique!!
And my faith has returned!!
Yeah, everyday is a new day, everyday is a new hope, everyday is a new story…
And everyday is changing into something beautiful..
I know there always be lil’ changing in my life and it wouldn’t be big deals at all..
no.. no..
I would like to say… “GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!”
wajar banget kali, kadar iman seseorang kan fluktuatif bay, asal pas turun jangan terlalu jeblok aja (kaya gw), hahaha
BalasHapushahaha... iya jri, fluktuatif kayak harga dolar yee.. "D