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Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011


Written by Desby Mian Berlianty Pasaribu
Saturday, June4' 2011

The courage, where are you?
O, the courage...
I lost in time..
The best enemy is myself, it lies inside me
Lack of confidence, it’s a never ending war..

The courage, where are you?
It kills me alive, I have to survive and break the boundaries that I’ve made
I don't wanna be a loser

The courage, where are you?
I only need a bravery to see me deeper eventhough I am alone
No bargaining, I talk to myself without any action proven
I feel very awful, extremely terrible..

The courage..
Please, come to me.. I'm begging you to stop by me
Bending my back down in honor

The courage, where are you?
I suddenly realized that it's time to get out from my comfort zone
This is a very extensive jungle, I don't know what I will find inner

O, courage..
Don't you hear me cry in desperation the most?
Those anxieties and fears are on my mind, fully my head
Imaginations, yes imaginations that bad

The courage, where are you?
I still cannot find myself
What I really want, I don't understand..
Is it me that screwing my own life?

The courage, where are you?
Show me the light that brighten up my dark days..
That will shove my mourning aside into morning glory
Cherish me with hopes as wide as unlimited sky..
O, courage.. my soul is calling you

The courage..
I'm peeking with one eye to the corner of my heart
Yet I'm running out of time..
I will die in sadness because of losing you since very long time ago
I can't be saved

4 komentar:

  1. gue takut sama dunia kerja jri..
    lo udah nyoba ngelamar2 gak?
    ada tuh pembukaan di PWC tapi untuk internship bulan september-november, tapi gue agak ragu..
    nanti bulan juli-agustus gue bakal nganggur..
    hoooaaaaa, jangan.. itu mimpi buruk!!!

  2. kenapa lu mau magang bye? knapa ga langsung kerja aja?
    gw belom ngelamar2 tuh,,
    kalo gw si pengennya maen2 dulu sebelom kerja, tapi kayanya ga bisa :(

  3. hahaha, iseng aja sih jri sebenernya.. tapi kalo boleh ya langsung kerja lah ya..
    huuu, gue juga pengen maen2 dulu tapi gue harus cepet dapet kerja nih kawan biar biar bisa bekpekeran... T_T wanting it so baaaddd...
