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Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011


Written by Desby Mian Berlianty Pasaribu

Thursday, January7’ 2011_9.23AM

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya lahir ke dunia ini.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya menjadi perempuan.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya ada dalam keluarga ini.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya memiliki saudara kandung.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya masuk Sekolah Dasar tanpa harus merasakan bermain di Taman Kanak-Kanak.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa Papa harus keras mengajar saya waktu SD dulu.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa Mama melarang saya jajan dan minum es sembarangan.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya harus gagal masuk Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama dan Tingkat Atas favorit saya.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya juga mesti gagal lagi untuk ujian ke universitas negeri dan harus mengulang lagi di tahun keduanya.

Pasti ada maksud kenapa saya gak jadi kuliah ke Belanda waktu itu (padahal udah lulus interview sama bule dan nama saya udah terdaftar di Saxion University).

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya harus menimba ilmu di Universitas Indonesia.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya harus masuk jurusan Fiskal.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya harus bertemu teman-teman seperti yang saya kenal sekarang.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya harus suka cowo dan bukan cewe.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya harus mengakhiri sebuah hubungan (dan rasanya gak akan pernah enak).

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya harus kost di Depok.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya harus bersusah payah untuk menaikkan atau paling gak mempertahankan nilai IPK.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya harus bertemu dengan dosen-dosen seperti mereka.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya tiba-tiba kepikiran untuk masuk Naposobulung dan akhirnya menjadi bagian didalamnya.

Pasti ada maksudnya kenapa saya punya kesempatan untuk merayakan natal tahun ini bersama keluarga saya.

Saya sadar bahwa yang terjadi dalam hidup saya gak selalu apa yang saya inginkan, gak jarang (sering banget malah) berbeda dari rencana awal. Itu menyakitkan, kawan.. rasanya bikin depresi!! Hatimu seperti membawa beban yang sangat berat, tapi aku mulai belajar bahwa pasti ada maksudnya dibalik semua kejadian yang saya alami di dunia ini dan semuanya indah ketika saya menyadari bahwa tidak ada yang terjadi tanpa maksud. Itu mengajarkan saya bersyukur dalam suka dan duka, dalam tangis dan tawa.

Tidak ada yang perlu disesali atau ditangisi atau diratapi berlama-lama.

Percayalah janji Tuhan,

Dia gak akan membiarkan kamu jalan sendiri, You'll Never Walk Alone!

Kalo burung di udara aja dipeliharaNya, bagaimana kamu?! Pasti lebih-lebih dipelihara..! Lalu apa yang harus aku dan kamu khawatirkan lagi? Ya, kan? Ya, dong?! (gaya babeh Juned).

Kamu gak bisa bertanya, “kenapa hal ini terjadi padaku, Tuhan?” ketika kamu mengalami hal buruk dalam hidupmu, tapi kamu juga harus menanyakan hal yang sama ketika hal baik terjadi dalam hidupmu.

*entah kenapa pengen nulis ini.. :D

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011


Written by Desby Mian Berlianty
Wednesday, January5' 2011_17.58PM

Hari ini gw pergi ke RS di daerah Jakarta Selatan, gak ada penyakit serius sih.. cuman bermasalah sama kebersihan yang harus memaksa gw berobat ke dokter kulit. No, jangan ngebayangin panu, kudas, kurap, dll.. (ih, itukan penyakit kampungan-- *sok kota banget yeee!!! najong!!) ada deh..

Nah, ceritanya kan gw mau pulang nih ke Bekasi pake metromini 76 Blok M-Rambutan, kira-kira jam 3 sore. Waktu gw sama nyokap duduk, ada anak kecil sekitar umur 6 tahunan, bocah dekil, muka belepotan sama keringat plus debu dimana-mana. Tepat berdiri disamping bangku yang gw dudukin!! Booo, dia nyeder ke gw malah!!! Ampuuuunn!!! *ketakutan kayak ketemu hantu!!

Pas lagi bengong gitu, dia tiba-tiba naro amplop putih kecil ditangan gw.. spontan gw kaget (untung gak teriak), trus bernyanyilah si bocah dekil itu dengan marakas buatan pribadi dari botol yakult yang diisi beras... #cek kecrekk kecrekk.. lalalala.. (gak jelas nyanyi apaan, kayak kumur-kumur).

Terus gw ngerasa ada sesuatu yang bergerak dilengan kanan gw.. jiah, gw merinding seketika!!
Tau gak?! Tuh, bocah, lagi merogoh tas gw!!! Sial...!!! Grrrr... saking keselnya, antara sengaja dan gak sengaja gw sikut tuh bocah sampe jatuh kegeletak di metromini (perasaan pelan deh, kok sampe kejatuh gitu yah?! suer, gw gak pake tenaga dalem sema sekali). Spontan seluruh mata tertuju ke gw!! (oh, noo!!! Kamprettt!!!). Gw langsung bilang sorry sama itu anak, tapi dalam hati merasa lega karena udah menggagalkan aksinya (paling gak, gw gak akan kena semprot sama kenek metromini karena gw gak bisa bayar gara-gara kecopetan).

Begitulah, si bocah itu ngeliatin gw dengan pandangan memelas pengen dikasihani, tapi maaf anak muda.. mood gw udah ilang gara-gara tingkah lo sendiri.
Pokoknya, lain kali hati-hati deh, jangan ketipu sama tampang pengamen bocah yang sok lugu, polos dan memelas (gak nyangka kerja sampingannya nyopet!). Anak zaman sekarang udah pinter akting yee.. ngeselin!!! Lebih-lebih dari pada artis sinetron yang kerjaannya cuman mewek bebek mulu dan melotot sampe mata hampir keluar!!

Dan saat itu gw berpikir (eh, ini kejadian langka lho,, gw berpikir!!) susah banget yah hidup di kota sampe segitunya?? Karena kemaren gw baru nonton pilem "Obama Anak Menteng" ada quote yang keren dari bokap tirinya Obama, waktu dia ngajak Obama makan sate dan dia ngasih duit ke pengemis dia bilang begini, "Simpan uang mu, jangan berikan kepada mereka. Nanti ketika kamu sukses, bantulah mereka semua." Wow, keren.. serius!! Karena di lihat si Obama cuman kasih duit ke satu pengemis aja, sedangkan ditempat itu ada puluhan pengemis lainnya. Mungkin, alangkah baiknya jika ia bisa menolong semua orang, jadi gak cuman satu aja (ngerti gak maksudnya?? jadi ragu nih..).

Ayo, lakukan!!! *ting!!

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


Written by Desby Mian Berlianty Pasaribu

Monday, January3' 2011_9.03am

This is day 3 in 2011, everything goes so normal but I grateful for today!! Well, I wanna share a story about 2 persons who talked about stupid lil' things!!

A : Wew, early in the morning already online.

B : Which also writes -____-

A : Uh, do you still remember daisy, lily, and rose Gorangels? (disguised name). Don’t tell me you don’t know.. zzzzzzzzzz

B : I can only remember rose. Why?

A : I just got a report from social kids (high school), they said that they are sluts!! Rp 5millions per night!

B : Are you serious? Where you know that?? Well, executive class!!

A : From a social boy who used to be agent of the sluts and from their college friends.. uh-huh!! They only make love with foreigner!!

B : Where they study anyway??

A : Atm**aya. Majoring in Law. Well, I think Daisy is already graduated. They refuse locals, except Daisy.

B : Jeez, just being sluts so picky!!

A : Hahaha..

B : They are totally high class! Wait a sec, they are from rich family, aren’t they?

A : Yeah, deffo damn right dude!! Daisy father’s is a doctor, I was fuckin’ shocked at the moment. I can’t believe it!! Yeah, they’re already rich!

B : Ckckckck…

A : My head is dizzy!! -_____- And I heard that Daisy has aborted the pregnancy twice!

B : Woow.. I lost my words.. don’t know what else to say.. Too bad!!

A : Yeah.. -____- Actually, they are fuckin’ beautiful, damn flawless skin, physically almost fuckin perfect, in my opinion..

B : Those are their capitals!!

A : I can’t fuckin’ arrange my mind of them..!!

B : Huahahhaa.. I imagine, they are strip-teasing in a hotel room in front of foreigner.

A : Uh-huh, and doing blow job!! Wew.. zzzzzzz…!!!

B : Fuckin’ damn wild!! All styles must be tried!! No exception!! Hmmm.. probably, they will use whip too..!! hahahaaa…

A : Your imaginations are out mind, mate! Definitely, they are damn well-skilled!! Wkwkwkw…

B : Go learn from them, fella!! I bet you’ll be well-skilled as well too.. :D

A : Hahahahaaa… damn you, jerk!!

B : Hahaahahaa..

A : Rp5 millions per night, mate.. don’t you want it? Hahaha.. quickie money huh!!

B : Damn asshole!! My parents won’t think twice to perish me!!

A : Me too, maybe they will chop my body into 12 pieces just like a chicken. Hmmm.. Their parents must not know what their children have done out there!! This is a lesson for us if one day we have already become parents. We gotta close to our kids as friend.

B : If I’m not mistaken.. Rose’s father is doing business in overseas, isn’t he?

A : Uh-huh, her daddy is a business man and her mom is dead.

B : She must be felt so lonesome!

A : Who fuckin’ care a damn of that anyway?! She likes clubbing and drinking!! And unlucky me.. grrr… my boy-friends fuckin’ think that I’m not virgin anymore!! Asshole!! Just because I used to like clubbing. Zzzzzz…. And they were surprised when I said that I’m still virgin!! Ngoookkk…!! How odd, you’re not off anyway!! Your modem is a bit friendly now! Hahhaaa..

B : Thanks heaven! I get sufficient signals here.. :D Ooh, you mean the high school boys?

A : Nay, nay… fuyunghai’s boy-mates!

B : Hahahahaaa.. fool you!
A : Zzzzzz….!!!

B : Then what did he say?

A : He has never been dated at all!!! Just like our close friend, Ririn.. he is still a virgin!!

B : I think, you have a bit distortion here!! I mean the fuyunghai’s opinion about you, miss..

A : Ooohh, moron me!! He also thought the same thing as his friend as well. Damn!

B : Hmm.. must be hard to explain, then!

A : Yeah, but when I told him that I’m still virgin, he showed me the same expression like his mates when they found out the truth! Surprised!! He said, “Wow! Really? How come? I mean you went to club and had fun but still virgin?”

B : If I were you, I would hard to believe it! Indeed!

A : Yes, my double bad luck!! I don’t have any idea if I become a Mom, whether my baby kids be able as me to keep their virginity yet still have fun in club or not.. take the positive ones.

B : You gotta keep your diamond for the chosen one, pal!! “D

A : Not the chosen one.. the chosen one for now is fuyunghai.. but my official husband only.

B : Grrrrr… a.k.a your husband! Seems we have different definition here! -___-“

A : Well, even though actually I really wanna do it badly.. still hold myself… wkwkwkwkk.. But as long as I live in Indonesia, I have to be a virgin but if I were in US and stayed for permanent, then I would say, “bye, bye virgin…!!” hahahaaa.. Because, not many of Indonesian men can accept non-virgin wife.

B : Hold on! Hahaha.. culture effects one’s mind! Yeah, I don’t mind to lose my virginity if I lived in US too..

A : Don’t ever think to do such thing in Indonesia..

B : Oh, come on… No, I wouldn’t! I really wish after I had married, looked for magister scholarship in overseas and have settle there!

A : Ngahahaaaa… trueee!!! I really wish for it so bad too!! >,<

B : Do you know, I kinda miss Chris’ French kisses this present! Ach, fool me!

A : Wiiih, your hormone arises!!!

B : Ciiih, dirt!!

A : Hahahaaa..

B : Damn, he is hate me now! Stupid-ass!! Bird-minded!

A : Zzzzzz… it’s your silly fault!!

B : He finally knew, who really I’m crushing on when he read out my notes on a social networking and found that those weren’t for him but for somebody else.. Even just answering my phone call, I heard his voice a bit reluctantly!! I only called to ask about my notebook.

A : Well, I guess he thinks you are gross now. Well, stop it dear. Don’t lose your pride! Oke, knock it off!!

B : Surely!! It’s no use at all to think about such jerky!!

A : Better man is waiting for you out there.. hehehehe..

B : I wanna quote it!!

A : Heeh?

B : It’s kinda rare you become wise!! Very seldom! Bizarre!! Hahhaaaa..

A : Hohoho.. I still have my mind in my head! :D

B : I think you have better foods now!! You’re not eating frieds anymore?? Hahhaaa… As I recall, you used to very like snacking anywhere!!

A : Damn you!! Hahahaa…yeah and in the end I got stomachache!! Btw, hurry to quote mine!!

B : Oke.. I’ll quote it in a minute! ;)

A : Hey, I gotta continue typing.. I have thesis guidance at 11am. :D

B : Oke, oke.. please.. Spirit!! Let’s graduate together this year!! Btw, happy very merry new year to you!

A : Happy new year to you as well!! Bye!

B : Chiao!

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011


Written by Desby Mian Berlianty Pasaribu

Sunday, January2’ 2011_9.42 PM

You have your own faith, I have mine too…

You believe in God with your own concept, I believe in mine too…

You do what your religion commands on you, I do mine too…

We maybe have different ways to worship our God…

Something or someone that we truly believe lord-over our life, powerful, undefeated, immutable, almighty, and so on…

Yet, you and I must have no reason to deny that God is good!!

I have a friend on facebook, actually he’s a friend of mine also in real life.

I know him not very well, just know as ordinary one.

He’s really talented in music and music instruments, he can play piano, organ, guitar, trombone, saxophone.. damn really cool!! He can also read musical notes very well.

Well, by the way this is story about his statuses on facebook.

You might think, “Why take it so seriously? Are there anything special with his statuses anyway? Oh, come on, you’re ridiculous!! Why have to waste time just analyzing one’s statuses on facebook? What for?”

If there’s nothing special with his statuses then I would take zero attention of them.. Indeed!!

Well, this is obviously accidental.. I mean his statuses quite often appear on my facebook home (he’s a lil’ bit up-date’s addict!!) and I don’t mind of that.

At every status always ended by “GIGATT = GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.”

There something behind those words... something that makes me stronger.

At first, I felt so empty and like there’s a hole in my heart which is taken out my soul..

I didn’t understand, why did I feel such way?!

Lost hopes, lost words, lost prayers, lost ways, lost faith..

Everytime, I see his status.. I feel stronger and then I smile away..

He might not realize that his statuses have encouraged me.

For this long time, I’ve so lost.. and I remorseful of that.

I hesitated of God and that was my biggest mistake!!!

I shouldn’t have done that way.. :(

I am really sorry, my dearest God!!

Thank you, my friend.. you have taken me back on track again.

Probably, it’s the God’s way to recall to life and his way is unique!!

And my faith has returned!!

Yeah, everyday is a new day, everyday is a new hope, everyday is a new story…

And everyday is changing into something beautiful..

I know there always be lil’ changing in my life and it wouldn’t be big deals at all..

no.. no..

I would like to say… “GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!”


Sunday, January2' 2010

Quiero que vuelvas otra vez en mi vida, pero sé que es imposible
que no me amas más
Dejo de quererte a partir de ahora
No voy a perder mi tiempo.
Hice gran error, perdóname ..